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Event Dates: 18 May 2024

Kiama Baptist Church warmly welcomes attendees to their 2024 WOMEN’S CONFERENCE! The church expresses its commitment to empowering and uplifting women to fulfill their divine calling.

The event, titled SEEN, promises a day filled with worship, fellowship, and an exploration of the profound truth that not only are women seen, but they are seen IN HIS HANDS!

Attendees are encouraged to join individually or with friends for a day of enrichment.

Workshop options include:

  1. “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” – A session designed to help women recognize their unique God-given qualities and how they can be used for His purpose.
  2. “Battlefield of the Mind” – This workshop focuses on proactively managing and directing our thoughts to align with God’s truth.
  3. “Running on Empty” – Exploring ways to find spiritual refreshment and renewal in the Lord during challenging times.
  4. “Reflective Creativity” – Led by a professional painting instructor, this workshop offers participants the opportunity for creative expression and reflection guided by the Holy Spirit’s leading. Participants will paint with pallet knives, responding to personal insights or divine calling.

Cost: $65


Full accessibility


  • Carpark