List your Business or Event
List your Business or Event
Thank you for your interest in listing your business or event on the Destination Kiama website.
To list your business or event on kiama.com.au, you simply need to create an ATDW (Australian Tourism Data Warehouse) listing through Destination NSW’s Get Connected program. This program provides access to Australia’s national platform for digital tourism information and allows you to showcase your tourism products on kiama.com.au, Destination NSW’s consumer website (visitnsw.com), and other platforms FREE of charge.
Benefits of creating an ATDW Listing:
- Exposure: Your business can reach more than 1.5 million potential customers a month, both domestic and international – that’s over 18.5 million people a year looking for tourism products.
- Marketing Campaigns: The Destination NSW marketing team runs regular campaigns and will feature businesses listed through ATDW that are relevant to their campaigns
- Easy Updates: You can update your listing on ATDW, and your listing on kiama.com.au and other tourism sites that draw from the database will be updated automatically.
- Enhanced Visibility: You can link your Google My Business profile to ATDW to make your business even easier to find.
While you don’t need to be a Destination Kiama Business Partner to list your event, our partners enjoy additional perks like one-on-one support from our team to help you manage your Kiama-area business or event listings, free listings in relevant publications (e.g., Accommodation Guide, Local Dining Guide), and a listing in the annual official Kiama Visitor Guide. To learn more about becoming a Destination Kiama Business Partner and to join, please visit our Destination Kiama Partnership page.
If you need help planning an event, our Destination Kiama Events team can offer assistance, help with grant applications, and much more.
If you are ready to add your listing, please visit the ATDW website.
For any difficulties, you can contact ATDW support at 1300 137 225, or reach out to our team, and we will be more than happy to assist you with the process.